
The wolverine

Gulo gulo

The wolverine is one of the five large predators, but it is not being discussed nearly as often as the others. However, when it is mentioned, it is often in a context of how fierce and aggressive it is. Of course, this is just a myth, and the truth is that the wolverine primarily is a scavenger who likes to eat dead organisms that it finds. And just like other carnivores, it can be very playful.


The wolverine is primarily a scavenger who doesn’t care if its food has passed the best before date. Looking like a small bear, they aren’t especially big and weigh up to 20 kg.
The wolverine is brown with light streaks along its side and has large paws, allowing it to walk easily on the snow. They can hunt and kill reindeer, but most eat carcasses that they find. They also eat frogs, birds and mice and in summer lots of plants and berries. It is a lonely animal, mating only in the summer, with the females spending just under a year with their young.

Did you know that:

Wolverines are very good at climbing trees.

Their large paws allow them to walk well on the snow.

The German word for wolverine means “big eater”.


Class: Carnivores (Carnivora)

Scientific name: Mustelids (Mustelidae)

Conservations status: VU

Size: 65-105 cm long with a shoulder height of 35-45 cm.

Weight: Male approximately 20 kg and female approximately 10 kg.

Number of youngs: 2-3. The wolverine mates during the summer months, and the young are then born in the middle of winter – often in a snow den.

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